Dr Behram Tariq MRCP

Dr Behram Tariq MRCP (London), MRCP (UK), Med Cert Leadership & Management (on-going) Associate College Tutor Year 2019-2020 (RCPUK)

Dr Tariq is a Renal Registrar in the Health Education North East. He graduated from Ayub Medical College Khyber Medical University Pakistan. He was ranked amongst the toppers in both SSC and FSc Exams.  He gained broad general medical experience in a number of specialities and now currently working as a Renal Registrar.

He has a strong commitment to teaching and training throughout his career. Since appointment as Associate College Tutor he organised teaching programmes for higher trainees, CMTs/IMTS including regular PACES teaching programme at Cumberland Infirmary Hospital. He has an experience on multiple occasion of being a coordinator and a surrogate in RCP PACES & Mock Exams.

He has found teaching PACES to candidates rewarding specially helping international candidates. He has always been very enthusiastic in teaching, including medical students, local Foundation trainees and physicians in other specialties. He has been involved in PACES teaching in the James Cook University Hospital and recently set up a formal PACES teaching programme for trainees at Cumberland Infirmary. His teaching is consistently rated very highly amongst the international candidates. His specialty is abdominal scars and confidence build up around the whole PACES Exam.