Dr Daniel Higham

Dr Paul Daniel Higham

Dr Paul Daniel Higham is a Consultant Cardiologist and Head of Service of Cardiology for Northumbria Healthcare NHS.

 Dr Higham was born in Rinteln in the Hanover region of what used to be West Germany in 1961 and lived there for the first four and a half years his life.  He moved back to St Helens in 1965 and was educated in Liverpool at St Edward’s College.  He studied medicine at Newcastle University, qualifying in 1985 having also obtained a B Med Sci degree in Cellular Cardiology. 

His junior medical posts were at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle.  This was followed by medical registrar post at the Royal Liverpool Hospital and then cardiology registrar at Manchester Royal Infirmary.  

He moved back to Newcastle to work as a British Heart Foundation Junior Research Fellow under Professor Campbell at the Freeman Hospital working in electrophysiology and repolarisation.  He moved back into clinical work as a cardiology registrar with posts at Freeman Hospital and then South Cleveland Hospital (now James Cook Hospital) culminating in the senior registrar job in cardiology there.  He was appointed to the post of Consultant Cardiologist/Physician to Northumbria Healthcare Trust based at Wansbeck Hospital in 1996. 

His clinical interests include: General Cardiology, Ischaemic heart disease, valvular disease and  CT coronary angiography.  He was Network Advisor for the Royal College and British Cardiovascular Society from 2007 to 2011. He is Head of Service for Patient Safety for the Medical Business Unit. He has an interest in patient safety and improvement methodology and having attended with a team from Northumbria the Leading Improvement in Patient Safety course IV (2008-9) winning the course prize. His team were winners of the North East Measurement for Improvement awards from the Institute for Innovation and Improvement in 2011 and won the National Patient safety award for Acute Care in 2013. He was a member of the Faculty for Improvement at the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement and QIP lead for the RCP in the Northern Region in 2011.

Dr Higham is a keen walker, have just taken up golf and despite being schooled in Liverpool he supports Manchester United.

We as a team are very grateful and honoured to have him on our board of experts to spread his knowledge to all the young junior doctors.